February 16, 2025

Top 30 Public Health Blogs of 2012

public health blogsThe field of public health is wide ranging and varied. There are many perspectives on the field and as public health by definition affects everybody, there are many stakeholders. This list consists of the top thirty blogs in the field of public health from experts in many portions of the field. Readers will find that the list consists of a wide variety of perspectives including medical, economic, national, global, corporate, and governmental.



Best Public Health Blogs

1. The CDC Public Health Blogs are the primary blogs of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC blog serves the same purpose as the organization, to help keep people safe by educating them on potential risks and risk management not only to do with disease, but many other issues related to public health.
Highlight: Special Needs and Tornados, a Joplin Story

2. The Wall Street Journal Health Blog is the collaborative health blog of the Wall Street Journal and features content primarily concerned with modern public health issues within the corporate world.
Highlight: How Often for Mammograms?

3. Health Beat Blog is focused on stripping away all the hype and fear mongering so common in the mainstream media’s treatment of public health and healthcare issues. Health Beat favors a more moderate, reasonable approach that actually turns a critical eye on the issues and seeks to understand what is happening regardless of the politics involved.
Highlight: How to Rein in Medicare Spending Without Hurting Seniors

4. Better Health for All is a blog of the Faculty of Public Health, one of the leading professional public health organizations in Great Britain. The goal of the group is to improve health services, and protect the population through the maintenance of professional and educational standards.
Highlight: Gender is a Poverty and Public Health Issue

5. Economist’s Lens is the blog of Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health professor and researcher Kevin Frick. The blog covers public health issues with a consideration for the economics behind the various ideas and plans that are typically discussed in regard to public health.
Highlight: Insurers Covering Contraception

6. EpiAnalysis features the analysis of epidemics and public health data with the goal of helping its readers understand the impact of public health policy, and many of the most pressing up and coming issues in public health today.
Highlight: Private and Public Linkages of Soda

7. Humanosphere is primarily concerned with global public health in terms of the state of the human condition worldwide. The site advocates for aid to developing and third world nations, making the argument that the public health of all peoples is enhanced through improving the circumstances of those under the worst conditions.
Highlight: With Big Data Comes Big Errors

8. Improving Population Health features content geared toward advancing public health through policy, practice and research. The blog covers everything from the public health necessity of strong preventative care, to asking the hard questions about culturally ingrained lifestyle risks to public health.
Highlight: Why Don’t We Know More Precisely What to Do?

9. Monday Morning is a public health blog updated regularly every Monday. The blog primarily discusses issues that have caught the attention of its author, Dr. Barbara Rimer, Dean of the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Topics range from preventative measures against certain types of cancers, to general commentary on the state of public health discourse in the United States and beyond.
Highlight: Tone Down the Rhetoric

10. Pop-Health is a unique blog that uses relevent entertainment and pop culture in general as a starting point to talk about pressing public health issues. Public Health is a broad field and the Pop-Health blog goes a long way toward filling in many of the gaps that are less often addressed by other sources.
Highlight: Downton Abbey: A Mountain of Viewer Tears Leads to an Incredible Online Discussion About Maternal Health

11. Public Health Perspectives is a Public Library of Science blog that focuses on some of the most pressing public health issues from a wide variety of valuable perspectives. The blog covers issues from bullying and structuralized violence, to the power of words and best practices for discussing various issues in a constructive manner.
Highlight: The Public Health Problem of Anti-LGBT Bullying

12. Talking About Health is all about communication when it comes to health related issues. The blog gives people advice, not just on how to live a healthy life, but also on the constructive ways to talk about health with people you care about, so that you can help them live a healthy life as well.
Highlight: Getting a Flu Shot, ‘tis the Season

13. The Febrile Muse is written by a 20 year pharmacy veteran with a particular professional interest in infectious diseases, education, and the portrayal of infectious disease in art and literature. The blog is a fascinating combination of art and science, with commentary on diseases and health issues from both perspectives.
Highlight: Petroplague: Oil Eating Microbes

14. The Public’s Health is a philly.com blog that takes a close look at public health issues facing the state of Pennsylvania, many of which are major issues facing many other states in the country. From the question of whether or not to legalize pot, to how to protect children from junk food, this blog casts a critical eye on many pressing public health issues.
Highlight: Why Attack Snack Food in Schools?

15. The Pump Handle is a community of scientist bloggers devoted to discussing some of the most important and pressing issues in public health; from work environment issues, to those of gun control.
Highlight: Occupational Health News Roundup

16. Covering Health features content on a wide variety of health related topics including home life, assisted living developments, the health plights of disadvantaged children, and health insurance concerns.
Highlight: Asprin Study Causes Headaches for Journalists

17. Disease Management Care is a blog focusing only on issues involving its title. The blog covers every aspect of disease management care thoroughly, including issues of health policy, the use of non-physician experts in care, and the challenges of dealing with various types of insurers.
Highlight: Governor Christie’s Weight and How CNN Got it Terribly Wrong

18. Global Health Policy views public health as a major international issue, rather than just a regional one. The blog covers issues from child mortality in India, to reminding readers that while statistics are important, you can’t forget that those numbers (in the case of public health) represent real living, breathing, non-theoretical people.
Highlight: Financing Global Health, the Story is Stagnation

19. Global Bioethics is a blog with an international focus on ethics in regards to healthcare practices and availability across the world, and casting a critical eye on the impact of western policy regarding international public health.
Highlight: The Politics of Polio in Pakistan

20. Healthy Travel Blog is a blog that gives readers advice on traveling to various parts of the world, public health issues to be aware of in various destinations, guides to eating healthy at airports and throughout the vacation as well as general travel destination advice.
Highlight: This Week in Travel and Health

21. Flu Help is a simple blog devoted to one subject, helping readers survive flu season. The site features tips for avoiding the flu, fighting the flu if you’ve contracted it, the benefits of getting a flu shot, and how to avoid giving the flu to innocents if you do get sick.
Highlight: Avoiding Colds and the Flu at Work

22. Environmental Health News is a blog published by Environmental Health Sciences. The blog focuses on ways we can improve the health of the environment around us, making the argument that human health is directly tied to the health of our surrounding environments.
Highlight: Flame Retardants May Affect a Child’s Attention/IQ

23. Health Care Economist is a purely economic evaluation of modern healthcare that strives to be unbiased and non-political. The site strives to focus just on the facts, and through those facts evaluate the effectiveness of our current system, and discuss the potential of future improvements.
Highlight: How to Survive a Plague

24. Not in My Food is a blog focused on raising awareness about dangerous practices when it comes to our food sources. The blog is concerned with issues such as meat raised on anti-biotics that has already begun producing drug resistant strains of bacteria.
Highlight: Get Your Resolution On: Say No to Meat On Drugs

25. Barf Blog is a blog all about the causes of food poisoning. Covered here are the ways food can become infected, methods for safe consumption, and things of which every consumer should be aware.
Highlight: Not Worth the Liability

26. Hooked: Ethics, Medicine, and Pharma is a blog highly concerned with public health issues surrounding the ethics (or lack thereof) of the companies and individuals most responsible for modern healthcare.
Highlight: Amgen’s Latest Escapades

27. Cold Truth is an investigative journalism blog featuring a focus on public health issues. The blog features actual investigation of various issues, but also concerns itself with commenting on and analyzing the investigations of other news sources.
Highlight: New Antidote for Cyanide can Quickly Save Victims

28. Diet Blog is just what the title indicates. A blog where the author tries out and comments on various popular diets. From those that may be fads, to those that could inspire a permanent change in lifestyle, this blog covers them all.
Highlight: A Carb Lover Goes Primal

29. Health Affairs is a collaborative blog focused on covering the most pressing public health current events issues facing our society. From the effects of the cost of healthcare costs on families, to analysis of health policy debates.
Highlight: Health Policy Brief: Federally Facilitated Exchanges

30. New Public Health features commentary and analysis on a wide range of public health issues in England and the U.S.
Highlight: Toward a Healthier America: New Report Offers Recommendations